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Monday, 25 March 2013

There are vapers and electronic cigarette users - different animals

The way I see it, and the problem that exists with people ignorant of our habit, is that you can put us into two groups.

There are the group that use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking.

And there are hobby vapoteurs who have taken to vaping instead of smoking.

The first group will have the sympathy of our masters in Government and the European Union because they actually seem to have figured out that electronic cigarettes are more successful in helping quitters than the old NRT stuff. The group that use electronic cigarettes to quit smoking are safe.

The second group - hobby vapoteurs will be considered smokers. We are the people who want to continue our addiction to the terrible drug, nicotine. Nocotine, is, of course, THE evil thing in tobacco that has enslaved all pathetic, disgusting smokers and the drug that will enslave all the children who touch cigarettes or try vaping. Nicotine is a dangerous and terrible poison. We all know that because it has been drummed into the world psyche as an unchallengeable truth (and proved by science!)  

Our masters are guided carefully by the Anti Tobacco Industry whose meticulously unbiased science, and completely honest and translucent motive to improve the health of the world, has been a rallying light making interference in personal liberty seem quite moral and right. This has made smokers the most vilified species on Earth. Can you think of any lifestyle more evil? Smokers have complete disregard for polluting the air around themselves and causing illness and death to millions of poor souls worldwide, and polluting the air in their own lungs bringing about illness and death to themselves and costing the Health Services in all countries millions and millions in wasted money. There are no more despised people than smokers. There are no more persecuted groups in the West, than smokers, and, in the name of health, all of the world is expected to despise and persecute them in the way of the west. Anti smoking missionaries are busy everywhere.

Hobby vapoteurs are keeping the pleasure of smoking alive. They have no intention of quitting. They enjoy, ENJOY their hobby!  Now, if you believed that it was quite moral to persecute one group of people for a lifestyle choice so that they are constrained by regulation never to enjoy their habit anywhere except in their own homes (and even those have been threatened), then lumping hobby vapoteurs into the category of "smoker" seems a logical extension.

Do we have any leg to stand on? Nicotine dependence is a horrible addiction. Nicotine comes from tobacco. Tobacco is evil. E-liquid is therefor a "tobacco" product. It must be controlled by our Masters for our own good. All the gains of the last 40 years of  meticulously unbiased science, and completely honest and translucent motives by Tobacco Control to improve the health of the world, will be blown if a pleasing alternative to smoking establishes itself. Harm Reduction will not be good enough to justify allowing it.

I have watched how the world has been changed to persecution mode in my lifetime. It has frightened me to see it. I have watched how human rights have been honoured in all sorts of surprising and morally correct ways which has pleased me. Some things are much better than they were. The insanity that has distressed me is how easy it has been for a small group of people to take Second Hand Smoke as an excuse to twist the thinking of virtually the whole world. The end vision is a world without smoking, SHS was just a convenient scapegoat.

And we have just allowed it. People have stood by whilst smokers have been punished and made to abstain from the pleasure of smoking by banning smoking even in the outdoors showing that the legislation has got nothing to do with health, but with something much more sinister. Who has fought for the right of people to choose their own way of life? Who has protested at the hardships that MY generation has endured so that smoking can be stopped as any kind of pleasurable thing? How many old people, now, simply stay at home?

So, vapoteurs, if we are serious about our hobby, what do we do? I really don't know.

I didn't know what to do when, gradually, laws came in to constrain me as a smoker. I was always sure someone would speak out. But they never did.

And so, it continues.


  1. You speak out, and that's already a good start I think, and people read you too.

  2. Brian and Cheryl27 March 2013 at 13:31

    Hello Liz. Excellent post! I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying. To my knowledge, Big Tobacco is already drooling to take over many of the E-cig markets here in the US. Lorrilard Inc. (a HUGE tobacco co. that makes several popular US cigarette brands) has already bought Bluecigs and the commercials are playing consistantly on television already. I know that the "Big Boys" in the tobacco industry often operate through multiple smaller subconglomerate corporate entities and I'm sure this is the case with Blue-cigs. One could probably trace corporate ownership all the way up to Phillip Morris I'm sure. I'm afraid that once "Big Tobacco" purchases many of the E-cig companies...their lobbyists will then have more governmental power over the fate of our vaping hobby. And since yours...and our governments are losing precious tax revenue to this healthier yet virtually untaxable vaping alternative...many corporations are affected, including the Pharmaceutical industries. Surprisingly, Big Tobacco also owns multiple shares in the Pharmaceutical industries...mainly the main chemotherapy drug producers. Interesting indeed! We can only hope and pray that for once, the health and well-being of the populace...will triumph over greed for corporate profits. But until then....let's enjoy a few good vapes! : ) Looking forward to your next video as well! Health and Blessings to you and yours, Brian and Cheryl in Florida.

  3. You omitted a third group of users of e-cigs, of which I am one, and that is the people who think e-cigs are great, and use (and enjoy) them in places where they can't smoke tobacco, but generally prefer analogue cigarettes, and have neither desire nor intention to eschew the pleasures of tobacco.

    Apart from that little bit of pedantry on my part, an excellent post. Yes, the Tobacco Control Industry has a lot to answer for. They have created far more problems than they have solved with their socially divisive and economically disastrous laws but remain insouciant and in denial. They are ideologically driven, and no amount of facts will get in the way of their zealous fervour.

    I came on this post, by the way, via a link in Dick Puddlecote's Saturday Link Tank

  4. What do we do? I've been thinking a lot about this. I got an ecig last July and now very rarely smoke cigarettes, though I consider myself a smoker. I'm planning on vaping until I die. Sadly, even tragically in terms of human life, I think ecigs will be regulated in such a way that they are no longer a pleasurable pastime. My prediction is that direct ordering off Chinese manufacturers will become widespread. This is now, even with shipping charges, no more expensive than ordering from UK companies. By the time the regulations come in, there will be around a million to two million serious ecig users. A likely consequence is over one hundred parcels a month coming into the UK. I don't see the UKBA making much of a dent in this.

  5. Being a vapor is much better than a smoker. Electronic cigarettes just give you the feel of smoking but without making so much negative effect on health.

  6. Sorry I haven't responded to all these excellent comments! And thank you for them.
