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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The road back to a sane vaping and smoking society

What is the road back to a sane society that accepts vapers and vaping, smokers and smoking?

As an older person - well, old actually, - seventy two in September, I have watched how the world has changed.

I have knowledge that young people don't have. They only think they have it!  But experientially, they know nothing. They only know what they have been told to know.

And young people simply take for granted the absence of things that were, once, BAD things, like Polio, Smallpox, and Tuberculosis for instance. Things that I remember. In this respect, we have been blessed by the work done by science to make life safer for all of us. There has been great progress.

At the beginning of my life the Pharmaceutical Companies were very small - insignificant really, except for Bayer which enriched itself producing the lethal gas Zyklon B for the German Concentration Camps. The labour force for IG Farben was slave labour in factories that it built adjacent to German concentration camps.

Chemists and Pharmacies mixed their own medications for sick people, and doctors knew more about healing than they do nowadays.

"Nevertheless, at the start of the 1930s, most medicines were sold without a prescription and nearly half were compounded locally by pharmacists. In many cases, physicians dispensed medicines directly to patients; companies often supplied physicians with their favorite formulations. While the medical profession was well-established in Europe and America, the pharmaceutical industry was only beginning to develop medicines to treat pain, infectious diseases, heart conditions, and other ailments." Link

There were mixtures and pills that were made by small companies, but none of them had the power, the profitability or the clout that they do now. Except for the aforsaid IG Farben Group, which got rich by getting into bed with the German Government. They were at a great advantage of being able to experiment on the occupants of Concentration Camps. Link

So, the benefit of using experimental evidence became clear to Medicine-in-general and Drug Companies in particular and after World War Two, Pharmaceutical Companies relied heavily on science - especially "double blinded" experiments. Vaccination and anti-biotics had been discovered and new technology helped in medical laboratories. Soon the Medical profession accepted "science based medicine".

And Government legislation entered the scene - The Food and Drugs Administration in the USA and less stringent regulation in Europe setting formal standards for drug testing and manufacture and "distinguished over-the-counter therapies from prescription drugs. This division, in turn, drove further specialization by the pharmaceutical industry into high-profit prescription-only medicines." Link

The Pharmaceutical Industry used some very unsavoury tactics to increase their profits, and designed products for specially profitable groups of people. Most of this was done in secret and their sales were directed at doctors/ medical profession, and their new mates, the Ministry of Health/ Public Health aka Government departments. Illness became big business.

"Whereas it made sense to speak of an American, German, French, or British drug company as recently as a decade ago, mergers and greater cross-national R&D investments have since rendered such delineation largely irrelevant. Between 1985 and 2005, nearly 40 major mergers produced firms of an unprecedented size and scope in the pharmaceutical industry." Link

This is "Big Pharma". Big Pharma, for all it's present and past failings, has made life better.

From the beginning of last century, simultaneously, there was the rise of Big Tobacco. By the time I was born "25 to 35 percent (of women) smoked in the late 1940s and peaked at around 30 to 35 percent in the early 1960s" Link

and most men smoked (75%). People smoked everywhere. Smoking was a most profitable social behaviour for Big Tobacco. And Big Tobacco was profitable for Governments. And profitable for Big Pharma too. Lung cancer was on the rise. Smoking was the cause said Doll and Hill. They got the idea from numerous German studies done for Adolf Hitler, an ex-smoker who hated smoking. And the fact that Allied soldiers were given tobacco/cigarette rations in both World Wars boosted the habit of smoking in men.

In 1962 Royal College of Physicians of London and the 1964 report of the Surgeon General warning the American public of the dangers of smoking made loads of people stop smoking. I remember that. Lots of educated - and not-so-educated people stopped smoking. There was no "Tobacco Control", legislation, or force. But people stopped smoking out of their own logic.

The first World Conference on Smoking and Health was held in New York. The second in London. The new United Nations World Health Organisation that rose out of the ashes of war was finding its feet, became interested in the issue of smoking. These organisations, together with the health departments of different countries, realised that l
ung cancer was depressingly difficult to treat so the Medical Profession was of the opinion that to control its suspected source (tobacco) rather than constantly fail in its treatment would be a good thing. To control the Tobacco Industry, it needed impetus from everyone - all sources interested in health under one roof - the United Nations birthed Tobacco Control. "The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the pre-eminent global tobacco control instrument." Link

At first, it was more about the Tobacco Industry, and less about smokers.

But, recently (in historical terms, and in terms of MY life), there has sprung up a whole industry around Tobacco Control - a self sustaining industry, to improve the conditions of human life that has overridden democracy and sovereignty and had consequences world wide by its costly parasitical  relationship with governments.  

In its short life - just over ten years, The Tobacco Control Directive, has deformed into an ugly thing. A thing that intrudes into all aspects of everyone's life - outdoors and indoors, publicly and privately, and, more significantly, into the minds of the people - to infect them deliberately with guilt and fear. To manipulate, not just the Tobacco Industry, but every person who smoked/smokes and every person who didn't/doesn't.

Thus arrived to my world the imposition upon me, not of my own mind or choice, not for my education, not with anything considering the personal "me" but to FORCE me - force me via legislation to stop smoking. Smoking, smokers, were to be erased from history. Eliminated. A sophisticated genocide. Even the press colluded by not publishing anything about the anguish of smokers or the habit of smoking and photo shopped smoking out of press pictures. The BBC now produce movies about the war, or the 1960's that are completely unauthentic because no one smokes in them.  And the erasing of the smoking habit from public knowledge continues ad nauseum - especially hiding it from children.

The world has changed now. It has become anal, divided and prescribed - censored. Young people will not know the difference, but old people - even non smokers - know it, taste it, feel it, fear it.

It harbours all the horrible ideas that we find in Nineteen Eighty Four - the book by George Orwell. It's worth watching this funny old movie Nineteen Eighty Four, to understand a summary of it for those who don't read. (The newest version seems unobtainable on You Tube for UK viewers.)

"And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that
happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions
of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist,
and never again could exist, any standard against which it could
be tested..."
George Orwell, 1984

Human life was far more spontaneous, fulfilled, socially cohesive, less anxious, more creative and could I say happy? before Tobacco Control strove to change us.

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is a template. It's an example of world domination by the few over the many. It is the way we can expect our health to be delivered in the future - by force. It is the way that perfectly legal things, in use by many, can be made unacceptable. And a strange new form of discrimination is evolving before our eyes, that is encouraged by governments, and government bodies against their own citizens. Anything goes - banning, exclusion, abuse. Any treatment is good - taxation, fines, defacement of product.  Any persecution of smokers/vapers is simply accepted by the docile mass because what smokers/vapers "do" is BAD.

So what is the road back to a sane society? Well, for me, the first step was the successful energy- inducing, empowering, heady, Brexit vote in the United Kingdom. We, the people, spoke.

This does not release us from the domination of the EU because the UK is a signatory to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

But it's a start.

I hear rumours that UKIP are requesting a re-assessment of the smoking ban. The smoking ban was adopted by parliament in 2007 on a political ruse by ASH - a UK Tobacco Control spawn. If 
a re-assessment of the smoking ban thing is true, I will put my vote behind UKIP. If the present government does not exit the EU to our wishes, the next election could see a huge swing to UKIP, or whatever party it morphs into.

So the way back to a saner society, is to use our voting power. And to demand a reassessment of the smoking ban.

Vapers and smokers need to function together, Those who interfere with Vaping are the very SAME Tobacco Control enforcers abusing smokers. They have come for us too!

The way back to a saner society, is to expose all the collaborators with Tobacco Control, the ones working to implement The Tobacco Control Directive. We need to expose them one by one, as corrupt institutions feeding off governments, for their own benefit. Lobbying always for their own advancement. They are not producing a product like the Pharmaceutical Industry, or (the still) successful Tobacco Industry. They produce nothing but ideas of prohibition by force - the control of a few over the many. They are gross feeders on our economy. We need to speak out. We need to expose the unintended consequences of Tobacco Control foolishness like this in Australia. We need to speak out for the 20% of people who smoke.

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
George Orwell, 1984

Our minds have been torn apart. Society has been made to forget that the real evil is in the subjugation of our minds to an ideology in which any oppressive action against a few people is acceptable - nay - desireable even.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell, 1984

We do not need boots stomping on any faces - smokers and vapers need consideration, not boots. Vapers will not get consideration, until smokers have it. It is not the 1960's anymore. We have more knowledge via the Internet than we have ever had before. Even the "lowest classes" know that smoking can be harmful. We have helpful cigarette substitution technology in vaping and we have grown up. We need not rail against Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Food, Big Sugar, or any other Biggies. We need to rail against Healthism by force. And expose new industries, like Tobacco Control especially (because it is the template for others), for what they are - outdated, costly leeches of the most arrogant, obnoxious - and DANGEROUS kind. 

Friday, 26 August 2016

My private vaping life

I can hardly bring myself to write this blog any more.

My private vaping life is very happy. But I can hardly think about it in the big picture of the "world out there" without getting distressed.

The "world out there" has gone bonkers!

In the "world out there", I am feeling more and more disappointed and out of step, out of touch, and disillusioned.

The first thing I see is that vaping itself, is running away from me. It's hooked into consumerism.

I've always hated the idea that us humans are taken advantage of by people who promote "the latest version" or "the latest fashion" and all the one-upmanship that humans are silly enough to want.

Every day, there is a new tank, a new box-mod, and a myriad of "new" devices  that are not much different to all the others out there.  I cannot keep up! What do these things offer us? They offer more vapour at higher wattages on different wires, or easier to build atomisers. But basically they are all the same.

I don't buy them!  I stick to the setup that has given me pleasure, however old fashioned it is. Why does our pleasure change - do we think we can get more pleasure if we get the latest stuff? So I'm disappointed that vaping has become a huge operation to part us from our money when what we already have satisfies most of us already.

We are now pushing into new areas of vaping - pushing boundaries. Pushing the boundaries to the habit of vaping, might make US the ones who look bonkers. I don't want that.

And also....

Sub ohming costs!

Not only is it hugely wasteful of e liquid, and battery power so that it is a mug's practice, but if there are going to be any dangers to vapers from vaping, I see possible future problems in inhaling direct-to-lung such huge quatities of vapour that the vaping-antis in "the world out there", can eventually say "We told you so". I don't want that either.

I am really disappointed that the whole idea of substituting smoking with vaping has been so badly received in the world. This is, to my mind, the continuation of the Tobacco Control chicanery, and I have watched how science was used as a weapon against smokers. And again in just as dishonest a fashion against vaping. Every bit of twisted science against vapers, is not actually against us - we already vape - but it is a direct act against smokers, so that they fear vaping, fear smoking, feel guilty for what they do. and it will stop them becoming vapers.

Tobacco Control is an evil industry. It doesn't want a world of vapers. It is feeding off its prey - smokers - just enough to keep smoking going and the Tobacco Industry functioning, so that the Tobacco Control Industry future is assured.

To me, they are far more evil than the Tobacco Industry, which, at least, are honest about their intention to be a profitable industry. They kept me in cigarettes, which I loved, for 50 years. They provided me a great deal of pleasure. On the other hand, Tobacco Control have pretended to have my best interests at heart but they have schemed, planned, purposefully made up stories, ruined great swathes of the economy, twisted people's minds, abused people, and fed off unearned monies - our money - to support themselves. And are still seeking, at all costs, to protect their very profitable industry by peddling fear - charitably of course!

The information that they have churned out about smoking, second hand smoke and now, vaping, makes me not believe a word they say. And no sane person should.

If there was no Tobacco Control Industry, vaping would have been well received in "the world out there".

Recently, I have been playing with my old vaping toys. Some were truly terrible. They are the ones that are "favoured" as smoking quitting aids by you-know-who - Tobacco Control. They did get me off smoking. But they did not keep me off smoking. And that is more important.

The way smokers can STAY off smoking is with the devices that have been developed for our pleasure now. The ones that the evil ones are trying to bury.

I've got old and grumpy, obviously, for I can't be doing with double speak of any kind.

About vaping I don't do words like  "Harm reduction" "Public Health" "Smoke Free" "Vaping Saves Lives" and all the other memes they use in "the world out there".

About vaping, I am very sure. of the words I would use. They are the very same I used when I was a smoker and can be completely interchanged.

I love smoking. Smoking gives me pleasure. My peak moments are celebrated with a cigarette. Smoking helps me think. I love the smell of cigarettes. I couldn't imagine life without smoking. Smoking is the best pleasure of my life.

This became -

I love vaping. Vaping gives me pleasure. My peak moments are celebrated with a vape. Vaping helps me think. I love the smell of vaping. I couldn't imagine life without vaping. Vaping is the best pleasure of my life.

Every smoker should have the chance to say that, and in a world without constant legislative meddling at the behest of the Evil Ones - Tobacco Control - they would have.

SHAME on the Evil Ones - SHAME on you!