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Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Why should smokers defend vapers?

I recently published a post called Why should vapers defend smokers. a lot of people have read it.

But today, I want to ask why smokers should defend vapers.

There has been such bad blood between vapers and smokers with vapers resorting to all the Tobacco Control language like 'the filthy habit of smoking' 'stinkies' (for cigarettes) and repeating Tobacco Control catch phrases and dodgy science about smoking. Even 'vaping saves lives' can be seen as a judgment on smokers.

Smokers see vapers as trampling all over THEM whilst trying to get approval at cost to the already persecuted smoker.

The treatment and complete disregard for smokers has been abominable. My rage was ignited when, as a smoker, on a training course, I was 'allowed' to smoke in a 1910 urinal, uncleaned from that time, stinking of old pee that encrusted the walls and floor - an unused 'room' at the end of the building that was 'the smoking room'. This was way back when businesses were required to provide smoking rooms. I was a dignified woman, being trained to manage other dignified women, and we had to cower in an unclean urinal, trying not to heave or touch anything. The company for whom I actually worked had provided us with a perfectly good smoking room, so the complete disrespect was a stark, offensive thing to me.

There were many, many offensive things done to me as a smoker. I have not forgotten.

But I shall tell you of this experience which branded on my mind that Tobacco Control was the most evil thing and very dangerous in its ideology. I had flown back from Paris. (where there was a charming open air garden in the middle of the airport where smokers could smoke) to Manchester airport. The smokers on the plane, me included, that were travelling up to Cumbria, made a beeline for the station - the OPEN AIR station, to enjoy a cigarette. There were new 'NO SMOKING' signs everywhere. No smoking on an open air station? So we lit up. Within minutes there were airport staff on the platform with squeegy bottles of water spraying those of us who refused to put our cigarettes out. People were shocked. We were being physically attacked in our own country by insane 'enforcers'. We were attacked by our own countrymen.

So you will see that inciting the citizens of a country to attack their own countrymen for an ideology, is not far off dangerous stuff that can spin out of control to much deeper, evil actions.

Smokers in the UK may be attacked in any way, by law, by taxes, by exclusion, by insults, by vilification by anyone, anywhere, however they wish. It is approved of by the state.

There is only one word for such state approved violence in a country - unacceptable!

That is what vapers need to get their heads around. Stop buying into an evil system. Don't do it yourselves!


Smokers - look sharp - the arrival of vaping technology that every passing week is making vaping as pleasurable as smoking, is a wonderful thing for all smokers. Vapers might have insulted you in their efforts for survival, and I'm sorry for that. But suddenly it looks as if vaping will be 'normalised' for the first time in any Western Country. Vapers may vape at work

Smokers could take some time to consider that supporting vapers in their efforts for fairness towards themselves, could be very good for smokers too. Despite the dreadfully unethical actions that you have endured, the fact that there IS a substitute for smoking is a wonderful thing. It's not smoking as you really like to use tobacco, but it's a way to comfort and (even) give you pleasure.

And the best thing I like about vaping EVERYWHERE, which I do on purpose because it gives me such joy, is saying in my mind "Fuck you Tobacco Control, Go stuff yourselves!".

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