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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Oh dearie me was WORTH it!

I wrote a post called "Oh dearie me" mourning the fact I felt duty-bound to get off my couch and do some campaigning against a 20 metre high telecommunications mast to be erected in our village, terrorising my neighbours and ruining the view. Well, I did. I nearly killed myself with the effort! On voting day I was leaning over the fence calling to voters to come and sign our petition against "the tower".  I was cold and miserable but vaping kept me going! Dual coil tank on a large battery - deeee-li-cious!

Today two of us attended the planning meeting. Democracy at it's best! One of us was allowed to speak for 3 minutes to state our objections verbally - though they had already been submitted in writing. Our speaker was brilliant....THOSE plans were refused - 11 refusals, 1 abstention and 1 undecided.


Trouble is, next month (probably) they'll submit a whole new lot of plans....oh dearie me!

But we won't give up, because we are WORTH it.

and, by the way, I victory-vaped in the Planning Headquarters loo! It felt great.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your victories, what ever they throw at you next you will have had the positive experience of winning to encourage you and draw on! I'm glad you had support and could rally some troops, there's much to be said for the home guard!...also congrats on your victory vape at planning HQ, I am sure you enlightened a few people there as well!
    xxx Angel a Knight/Cabaret/Angela
