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Monday, 15 December 2014

Beyond reason - Smoking bans are Vaping bans

The anti smoking movement has constructed a whole "Industry" based on smokers and smoking What they promote is now beyond reason. Somehow, thinking people, need to be able to protest the litany that has become lodged in the public mind, that using cigarettes or cigarette substitutes is a terrible, unacceptable behaviour.

Take ASH UK, (Action on Smoking and Health in the UK). ASH was established in the 1970's by the Royal College of Physicians. 
ASH says it has a dual focus - (I have made bold two points)
Information and networking: To develop opinion and awareness about the “tobacco epidemic” Advocacy and campaigning: To press for policy measures that will reduce the burden of addiction, disease and premature death attributable to tobacco.

They have done this for almost 45 years.

Well, the thrusts change - first, ASH promoted awareness of the danger of smoking to the personal self, then the dangers of second hand smoke to everyone else.They have striven to reduce the burden of addiction by banging on about the "burden" of smoking, so that even smokers believe it, never addressing the great pleasure smoking gives. It was ASH that manipulated the Government, at the last minute, to introduce the total smoking ban that has been so detrimental to society in the UK. It's aim since 2008 is to have Plain Packaging in law. Its feeding tube to Government is the All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health.

Smokefree (the anti smoking arm of The National Health Service) similarly releases anti-smoking speak and works towards a "smokefree" world. It offers help for smokers in the form of clinics and NRT therapies. It re-enforces the attitudes of the industry into the mind of the people. It
develops opinion.

All sanity leaving, anti tobacco now promotes no smoking in parks or open spaces. Smoking mustn't be seen as any kind of thing that people do.

"Smokefree" has come to hospitals, old age homes, your own home, prisons, psychiatric units, reform schools, and even the army - where it is truly inappropriate and should have no moral place. 

Society has been assisted to develop (the) opinion that nicotine is a terrifying addictive carcinogen.

All sections of the anti smoking industries need smoking to be de-normalised good and proper. Profitable lobby groups linked to "medicine" or "government" will develop (that) opinion . They will put down anyone who points out any suspicions about the motives for the existence of tobacco control, or complains about legislative intrusions into peoples lifestyles, or the adverse effects of the smoking bans on society and the economy that have occurred in the UK, or who questions the very shaky science of SHS. 

They are already putting down vapers.

There appear to be small cracks in the facade of the anti smoking industry. There are disagreements between the "quit or die" crowd and the "harm reduction crowd". Vapers are seemingly being favoured by the latter.

Both those crowds are anti smoking. They are the ones who have responsibility for the situation as it stands now.
They are the ones who have promoted ideas to us via the press, medicine and government and  have made sure that ordinary people, who didn't really give a damn once, will by now have developed (the) opinion that those who smoke are suffering  the burden of addiction and that smoking is a terrible curse to everyone in our modern age of science. 

The smoking bans are a vaper's problem. The smoking bans are in place because of the work of the anti tobacco industry. 
I'm watching how vaping is following along behind the smokers. "Vapefree" has come to
to hospitals, old age homes, your own home, prisons, psychiatric units, reform schools, and even the army - where it is truly inappropriate and should have no moral place. And now, suggested in Scotland, vaping to be banned in your personal car!

Nicotine is a devilish addiction, it seems, to be banned at all costs.

Smoking is not going to go away even if it were banned outright. And it probably never will be, being a profitable tax source for every government, and, if banned, to a black market. Smoking has been an easy target to tap profits from because it was so common to everyone. SHS fear has been the most easy to promote(aka
to develop opinion) in because it pollutes the air and everyone can object to that - especially the moral middle classes that have been so easy to brainwash.

Now vaping, like a genie let out of the bottle that cannot be stuffed back in, will be truly difficult to police.  Vaping is NOT like smoking. Vaping is also here to stay. A vaper's problem is not that they have the moral high ground because vaping is "better" than smoking, their problem is the smoking ban. To others, vapers are smokers, first and foremost, who are addicted to a drug.
Anti tobacco wishes to reduce the burden of our addiction. And ordinary people have been so turned against smoking by social engineering, that they simply see us as smokers.

It is a deeply sad if not an insane situation that society "accepts", religious freedom, dangerous sports, LGBT freedom, legal highs, marijuana in various areas, alcohol, porn, sex workers, movie violence, scorns racism, upholds peoples rights for all kinds of minority groups in all sorts of situations, yet smokers, have had no voice having been strangled into silence by law and shame.

The smoking ban should be revised in our Parliament to give smokers their dignity back. And to show the rest of the world that wrongs pushed onto citizens by anti smoking lobby groups can be put RIGHT. Once that happens, vapers will find themselves free of the insanity too. And our world will be a better one.

Well that's me done.

And NO - I have had no funding from any tobacco group!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

What Vaping made me learn

I smoked for 50 years. In 2009 I bought one of the very primitive electronic cigarette devices of the time to take away on holiday where smoking was banned.  It was a dreadful thing, giving only a headache and no satisfaction. I returned to smoking after the first day, shivering out in the freezing December weather, next to the rubbish bins out back, with the other smokers.

2009 was only two years on from the indoor smoking ban in the UK. At that time, it was legal to smoke in places that was your "home" away-from-home even if it was a designated hotel room, a mental health ward, a prison, an old age home. Even so, banning a legal activity on private property, overriding ownership, seemed an illegal action to me. Unlawful. Since then, prohibition has got worse. No smoker escapes the persecution.

So my attempt to vape in 2009 was a disaster. I became a smoker more determined to continue smoking in the face of every unlawful action against me. I accepted that using an electronic cigarette was something I would never do.

I became a VERY angry smoker. The anti tobacco groups were becoming more and more vindictive. The immorality of what they promote was seared into my mind when I watched a loved one in psychosis, banned from smoking in a mental health ward - her "home" and old people dying outside in the cold whilst having to smoke there. Something loving disappeared from the world when prohibition entered it.

So I learned from my own smoking life experiences, that anti tobacco ideology, is as immoral and vicious as any promoted in History for the suppression of humans. I suspected that what society was told about smoking, was not actually true, but lies.

I determined to smoke till I died. Smoking was such a pleasure. I loved it. And furthermore, in my own life, I knew of no one who had died from "smoking related" illnesses. And I was well and healthy, myself.

In 2011, we went away again. and I have told this story before - I bought a device, which I had carefully researched on the Internet. This time, everything about it worked for me. It looked good, it worked well, and it was SATISFYING! At first I dual used. But gradually, I found I somewhat preferred vaping (new word for me in those days) to actually smoking. I liked the fact I could "smoke" inside. I especially liked that!

I learned that "smoking" inside a room with friends and family, the comradie of NOT having to go outside in the cold drizzly weather, was something I had been starved of by law.  The pleasure of smoking, the friendship, the old delight was recaptured for me.

Vaping, supplanted smoking in my life. This old determined smoker, without huge effort, switched her brand. To me it seemed miraculous.  I told others about it on a YouTube Channel. Those videos show another thing I learned.

I see how quickly the technology has changed. It does so almost weekly. It gets better and better.

So, because of my own miracle, I started this blog to share my delight. But it wasn't to be for long. At the back end of 2012, nasty rumours started to appear in the press. Anti smokers were becoming anti-vaping. My angry smoker came to the fore because, to me, the ideology is the problem. Vaper's problems stem from the anti smoking ideology.  I blogged my feelings.

I have learned that what we are told about smoking and vaping, is not actually true.

I learned this because I see how the ideology is working out against vaping. Our anti smoking health experts have absolutely no shame. If they can behave like this about vaping, they have done the same against smokers - you can bet on it.

I am very wary of "harm reduction" scientists too. They appear to be on our side. They are part of the big ideology. We need to be "saved" for our own good.  I believe we need to be "saved" for the  benefit of the whole group of anti smoking industries and their charitable and medical corollaries for THEIR own good - jobs, funding, futures.

How public health is treating vaping has opened my eyes to a lot of other stuff too. I have become sensitive to anti vaping spin. I realise that most of everything we read and hear in the media about any topic, here in the UK, is an illusion. What is offered to us, has someone's ideology attached to it.

The banning of vaping indoors is on the way. The untruths and lies are being promoted to make sure that society will conform.

My vaping has confirmed to me that the anti smoking industries, collectively, are wicked.