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Monday, 18 February 2013

Wave the flag vapoteur pioneers!

I believe we have lived through the heyday of vaping. It has been, for me, THE most exciting experience - new, spontaneous, pure and inspirational.

The same euphoria must have been experienced in the early days of motoring when there were no road rules, no licences required and the whole thing was an uncharted adventure.
Everything was mixed up with horses and carts and jubilation at the joy of moving "horseless".

Cigarettes are the horses and electronic vaping devices, the new horseless carriages.

My grandmother saw the first motor car to arrive in Africa. It was bright yellow and a little "umfaan" was paid to walk ahead waving a flag to warn pedestrians ahead. It traveled at 5 miles per hour.

It was a modern miracle. Thousands of people came out to look at it. Horses and carriages never seemed the same again. Society moved into the new technology. But soon there were regulations and limits and taxes and feuds and competition and innovation and races and deaths and accidents and statistics and busybodies and fuel, and pollution and more taxes and parking areas and charges and government controls. The euphoria faded.

Vapers are not going to be left alone. There will be regulations and limits and taxes and feuds and competition and innovation and deaths blamed on vaping and accidents with devices and busybodies and black markets and more taxes and vaping areas and charges and government controls. The euphoria will fade.

We drive cars now because they are more efficient than horses and carts. I have the same faith in electronic vaping devices. They are better than the old burning leaf method. I believe they will go on into the future. Even Tobacco Control sees their advantage and they want them for themselves!

It is our duty to empower ourselves as we go into the future. We need to be little "umfaans" waving our flags for vaping so those around us can see us and understand the miracle. Lets vape openly while we can. Let's live now and enjoy the way it is now  - we are so privileged - us - the pioneers!

This flag is free for anyone to use - please disseminate it! Thank you Mr Armand.

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