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Friday, 26 July 2013

Flavours - sobering thoughts - dare to read this - and remember our roots.

I reckon flavours are going to go against us vapers.  My blog It Stinks and a comment on it about "smelly socks" shows that we CAN smell horrible to others. Vapoteurs, before you stealth in the loo or behind a book, make sure you are not stinky! The Antis will complain. They are just waiting to find something to hammer us down with. Smelly Socks second hand vapour is bound to cause some dreadful desease don't you think?

No matter how holier than smokers we are, we need to remember that in the mind of society we ARE smokers. The anti-smoking industry has spent many, many years building up their profitable corporation and creating work for their employees, by damming smoking (which I point out is not an illegal occupation). Tons of twististics have been sucked out of scientific thumbs to convince the people that Second Hand Smoke is deadly and can kill with one breath. We have been fed lies.

If we are vapers who believe that smoking is completely deadly and kills half of its users, all we have to do is to be aware of the scientific thumb sucking going on about vaping at the moment, to see how Tobacco Control disinformation works. If we believe everything that is said about smokers without exposing how twististics have been used against them, then we will deserve what is said about us.

The whole Anti-smoking drive that has brainwashed our society in one generation, has been an evil, foul thing.  And out of that persecution culture grew the technology that has rescued millions of people who loved smoking, to be able to continue smoking in a new and modern form. Vaping is smoking. Vaping is modern smoking.  Vaping is smoking without the vegetable component - without the flame, but with the fire of electricity on the coil. We are still burning, yes?

As we vapourise our flavours, how is their atomic composition changed? Why, to my taste, is it delicious, and to another, it stinks? What are my lungs doing as I inhale Caramel or Peanut Brittle?

We already know about Popcorn Lungs. And some e-liquid providers warn when their flavours contain diacetyl. Are health concerns valid? What other things don't we know?

And more than that, what is going to be told us by others? How soon are twististics going to be published that accuse vapers of deforming unborn babies, of making ill their children and pets, of poisoning the air, of causing harm to everyone that comes near us, of being an expense and bother to the whole of society? And mostly, of causing to themselves and others a host of smoking/vaping related illnesses?

It is entirely possible to vape very satisfyingly without flavour. If flavour becomes our downfall, we might just have to.


  1. Great thought provoking article. In the mind of anti-smokers we smokers and vapers are one and the same. They need to denigrate you as much as us because they cannot bear the sight of anyone exhaling anything from their mouth.

    You only have to hear what loony Stanton Glanz says about vapers (who he insists on calling smokers) - and second hand vaping - to know that smokers are to be denied all alternatives except for the ones promoted by fat Stan and the antz for their Big P chums.

    That's why the EU is closing down the new vaping industry and taking it from small fledgling firms to give to the Big P industry. Thar's profit in them thar hills y'know.

    As for Twistitics. Firstly, smokers are not users (we are not drug addicts) we are consumers - we consume a legitimate product.

    Secondly, half of us don't die. If true then half my siblings would be dead - they're not. My best buddy who started at the same age as me - 8 years old would be dead. She's not. Maybe even Al Pacino would have been done for by now given he also started in childhood aged 9 and still enjoys smoking at 71

    The antis lied about us to push forward their hate campaign and secure funding, jobs, pay their mortgages, fund their annual holidays, new cars, and nice little jollies at global conferences where they make this sort of stuff up to ensure the paychecks keeps on coming.

    They are now starting to lie about vapers. You should be able to see what's coming your way just by looking at what has been done to us these past 40 years especially. It is no longer about health.

    We must stand together to have any chance of being left alone to live our lives as we please. Otherwise us first. You next.

    1. It might be interesting to find out how many vapers think of themselves as smokers who vape and how many think of themselves as ex-smokers.. How do I make a survey I wonder? Mmmm

      and how many vapers would stand up for smokers!

      When I first heard about deaths from smoking, it was one in three would die young. I used to wonder of my sister me and my friend, who would die first of smoking. I hoped it wasn't going to me me. Now we are all old - none of us died. Now it is 50% for smokers! Actually ALL OF US have a 50% chance of dying from cancer - or at least getting it in our lives. And although, maybe my maths is weak, I can guarantee everyone reading here, we all have a 100% chance of dying - no question! Ha ha

    2. I consider myself a smoker and I'll always be a smoker because I have never known any other way of life due to taking it up so young. I vape when I can't smoke such as on trains.

      These days I consider myself to be more of a political smoker who believes in my right to exist. It's very sad because I think vaping would have been a natural evolution to smoking if the antis hadn't screeched and battered us for so long. Now smokers see e-cigs as a threat not a bonus because of the divide and rule nature of them - not by vapers but by the antis who plan to steal them, make them available on prescription only and then they'll force smokers to either visit the doctor to get them or be criminalised.

      Criminalisation of smokers has already started. Who could ever refuse quit, go onto to prescription e-cigs, or be prosecuted?

      At that point - 2025 in Ireland - I'll go underground in my old age and hide in fear of prosecution for what I have done freely all of my life. I fear what might happen to my poor grandchildren who may grow up to be smokers.

      After all, I am a fourth generation smoker myself so I can't say any won't take up smoking although all are far better educated on the subject than I was at their age.

      As I tell my eldest grandaughter, if she starts smoking, when she is my age now people will be throwing bricks at her in the street and the Govt will sanction beatings of smokers - for their own good of course.

    3. E-cigs, to me, are the greatest gift to Tobacco Control they could ever have been given on a plate free gratis and for nothing (just to rub it in!). Without lifting a finger the world could enter into a new era. But then guess who'd lose their jobs!

  2. I perceive vapeing as smokeing 2.0.

    So although my cardiologist does not consider me a smoker anymore (and neither to the tests and lab screening in the last year) I often feel sorry for the people who are still smokeing the older 1.0 version.
    And if TCI can have their way, drinking beer and bbqing meat will come next, so we need to fight.

    So for example I'm against the emerging smokeing bans here in Germany. I'd like them to have the option of snus and I think the plain packageing is totally superfluous.

    On flavours, well, in a recent VT Talk doc Farsalinos mentioned that probably the flavouring are the most dangerous thing in e-zigs. But so far it seems that we would only need to avoid some flavourings.

    Personally, I have switched to a dual strategy

    One DIY Liquid with very low flavoring that I vape all the time

    On top of that one "normally" flavoured liquid, often DYI but sometimes storebought. I change this every 10ml vaped.

    So I do not vape much flavourings through my lungs.

    This approach also helps greatly with being able to stand a liquid for a long time. My subtle everyday vape does not get boring as it has really just a hint of flavour. Most commercially available liquids I could not tolerate longer that a day or two.

    I have gone through about 4 months of my current recipe for my everyday vape and still like it.

    I have gone through some ml of totally unflavoured liquid but for me it lacks something. For beginners I cannot fathom an e-zig with no flavour being very attractive.


    1. I love smokervapers like you. Tolerant and understanding of people who don't want to take your path. Thankyou.

      Incidentally, I smoke for the smoke so snus and NRT has never appealed. It really isn't about the nicotine for me hence I've tried non nicotine e-cigs and found them the same as those with nicotine. I can handle e-cigs because they mimic the smoke and the culture of smoking. As Liz says, if the antis had invented them and promoted them nicely instead of abusing smokers as they do to get them to go on Big P NRT, then we'd all probably have switched easily by now - or at least the large majority of us.

      After 45 years of smoking, I have had no health problems. If I do get them towards the end of my life I think it's spiteful to deny me the healthcare my 45 years + of tax has already paid for with some change.

      Thanks to the creation of health inequalities by the antis who would deny us healthcare, like many other smokers, I'd rather die than visit my GP and get lectured.

    2. Yes - I think flavourings do help give a good hit. Beginners often start with tobacco flavour. I avoided it because I would smoke to get that flavour. I do have one tobacco flavour which I absolutely love - but I only started vaping that a few months ago. I read that using flavours that contain one ingedient rather than many is better - or ingredients that are natural rather than manufactured. But I really don't know. The safest would be flavourless. In the fifties and sixties propylene glycol was pumped into the air in children's homes to control illness - and it did - but it was stopped for being done without permission.

      I know Dr Farsalinos vapes plain. My doctor also considers I have "stopped" smoking, even though he knows I vape. He is really happy.

      My regular vape used to be a small addition of Sweet Cream and that's nice. Strangely, I have found that I can better taste the flavour if there is less.

      Thanks for your response!

  3. Its really easy to swap clearos to menthol 100% when we need to be more sensitive to others. when we take away the flavours we make it less attractive to would-be vapers and maybe soon non-smokers.

    1. You are right Paul. Right now I am going to a party and taking carefully chosen flavours - ones that I know people don't mind. On the way,in the car, I am going to vape "ol stinky" because my husband, funnily enough can't smell it. Flavours are a fun part of vaping and it makes me furious when the antis say it will allure children. Cherry liqueur and Brandy are flavours adults like too - and children must wait until they are grown up before they are allowed to try them!
