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Monday, 22 July 2013

It stinks!

I've been very busy - no time to blog.

Our visitor daughter flown in for a huge family bash, complained about my e-liquid reminding her of the worst kind of incense. Oh dear. I go outside to vape it now because it is absolutely my FAVOURITE!

Graduation - party - big bash. I am in the lounge and find I have just vaped my favourite e-liquid by accident indoors. I turn to my son-in-law ans ask innocently, "Can you smell this?"

And he said "Yes. It stinks!"


  1. There is a scent to e-cigs but whether it is a nice smell or a bad smell is purely subjective. I prefer fresh tobacco but I wouldn't say e-cigs "stink".

    I also love the smell of diesel oil and tar laid on the roads. We are all different with varying likes and dislikes of smells all around us. I can't stand heavy perfume or petrol. I feel like throwing up every time we fill the car up. Traffic fumes make make gag too but unfortunately I have to put up with it because there isn't a well funded campaign that aims to denormalise motorists (yet anyway)

    Neither is there one to denormalise those who dowse themselves with perfume - which is made with whale vomit - or other stinky body and hair products. There is nowt worse than someone wearing perfume that sits on a restaurant or cafe table nearby because it makes the food taste foul.

    It's very sad that people are taught to believe that only smokers "stink" like anything else smoking related but then for 30 years now denormalisation has been covertly running and one of the things it promotes about tobacco consumers - and now e-cig consumers - is "Smokers as malodorous."

    Before you vapers are targeted as the next lepers, we should join forces and fight for both our rights.

    How about a Vape/Smoke Fest at some future point where we can all get together and learn to understand each other and how we can work together?

    1. Absolutely agree about the perfume - aftershave - deodorant. I have sat in a cinema with a splitting headache caused by the person sitting next to me!

      I enjoy the smell of cigarettes, pipes, cigars etc. and also fresh tar - yes!

      TCP - do you know TCP? makes me gag. I had the terrible experience of teaching very close to a man who doused himself in it. Hated those lessons.

      Most eliquid on vapourisation doesn't "smell" too loudly. It's unfortunate that my best flavour atm is one that does.

      The same applies to home rolled cigarettes. I smoked in my own home - no-one ever complained and if I entered it, I couldn't pick up "smoking" over "dog" or "last night's cabbage"! The air fresheners - especially the electric ones people use because they are so smell sensitive - give people I know instant asthma and me an instant headache.

      The other night I lay awake a long time thinking about a Smokey Vapefest or a Vapey Smokefest and the possibility of one. I thought that maybe too many smokers hate vapers and the other way round to make it viable. I reckon you and I would make a good Smokey Vapefest - but that would mean a group of TWO!

  2. I think a vapeysmokefest/smokeyvapefest would be perfect and maybe help to end that conflict between both groups. There are enough tolerant vapers and tolerant smokers to get the ball rolling.

    And yes, I'm with you on TCP - and vicks vaper rub for colds. I once worked with a bloke who used it all winter. I can still taste it in the back of my throat as I remember how foul it was.

  3. can't really be a stink. Which flavor was it?

    1. The "stink" is in the nose of the beholder! Strong coffee!

  4. If there is a ever a stronger case that both smokers and vapers are in it together then this is it. United we stand. Divided we fall. We can only beat back the loons by standing as one

    1. Yes - very depressing! Glantz lies.And is an idiot. Pity she interviewed HIM! People will think he knows what he is talking about. She doesn't either - water vapour my foot! Pure nicotine? My other foot. The article should be challenged. Thanks for posting it here.

    2. Go get 'em Liz and good luck! In my opinion, anyone who features that phobic loon as an "expert" is immediately discredited. H/T Dick Puddlecote who shared on Twitter

  5. The second hand vapour has indeed a totally different smell to bystanders than it has to the vaper.

    When I do strawberry everyone perceives the smell as nice. When I do FS Cuban or 7 leaves my girlfriend complains that I vape smelly socks.


    1. I also vape plain 18mg no flavour e-liquid. No smell. Very satisfying. Smelly socks? Oh dear.

  6. The fruitiness of vaping may ultimately hand ammo to the antis so Shhhhhh - they'll soon be saying the "Big" E Cig "Industry" is trying to get chiiiiiiiildren addicted ;)

    1. They already are! Surprise surprise?

      The flavours might allure chiiiiiiiildren - but they are not the same as those put in NRT gum made by Big Pharma - THOSE flavours won't allure the young, Oh no sir. THOSE flavourings are different.
