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Monday, 25 November 2013

Vapoteurs - big evil requires big action - and start prayers too. Or "every little helps" said the old lady who pee'd on the cabbage patch!

Please read Clive Bates summing up of what is happening NOW in the EU

This is happening in discussion now and into early December.....

The main troubling features include:
  • Allows only single-use cartridges.  No refillable units or tanks will be permitted.
  • Allows only flavours already approved for use in NRT.
  • Limits nicotine density to 20mg/ml maximum with no justification
  • Limits nicotine content of any container to just 10mg/unit – this is extremely low and arbitrary (see new paper
  • Allows only devices that “deliver nicotine doses consistently and uniformly” – an unnecessary, severe and limiting technical challenge
  • Bans all advertising in press or printed publications (except trade), on radio, TV and other audiovisual services and the internet (through “information society services“)
  • Bans e-cigarette sponsorships that have cross border impact (e.g. anything that might be shown on TV)
  • Applies onerous and unnecessary warning, labelling and leaflet requirements that may be impractical
  • Bans cross border distance sales (internet etc)
  • Requires manufacturers to track so-called ‘adverse effects’ even though nicotine is widely used and understood
  • Requires the submission of  large quantities of seemingly irrelevant technical and commercial data
  • Asserts (against the evidence) that e-cigarettes “simulate smoking behaviour and are increasingly used and marketed to young people and non-smokers”.
It basically looks like is this - (72% of us use "Second Generation"devices...)
(Thank you Miles Dolphin on Twitter)

If you are a vaper of sound mind and body and you live in the EU, please scroll down Clive Bates page to see what he suggests we do - and do it.

If you are exhausted from the fight, are weak and old like I feel today, it is time to pray. We need an Act of God in the face of such corruption. I refuse to believe that anyone involved with these discussions on legislating our lives, can be so very, very blind to the effect of their actions, unless they are being richly rewarded by unseen evil powers.


  1. It has been pointed out to me that they would all be banned for reasons other than is shown in my pic:-

    @MileDolphins actually ALL banned. NONE of them deliver 'consistent dose' any more than cigarettes. Even cigalikes. Users self titrate.

    So there we have it - it's even worse.

  2. I vape with 0% nicotine, can't stand the stuff, it gives me a skin rash and swells up my throat, but with 0% nicotine, I mix on my own to assure only quality non-nicotine flavorings go in and have been vaping that way for years. If they cut it to 0% nicotine, it shouldn't matter, unless you are an "addict", which I don't believe is true.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad nicotine doesn't do that to me. I use it because it has very beneficial medical effects. "They" shouldn't be meddling - this affects the lives of millions of other people and smokers too, so we can't just think of ourselves. If I think of myself, I like you, am all right. But I am not doing this for me. I promote vaping for other people because it transformed my life.

    2. unless your an addict? what about the people who use nicotine for it's therapeutic those with mild depression or UC? Not everyone who uses nicotine is an "addict" and really that word is overused..

    3. Well then, if it has "therapeutic benefits", then that enforces the idea it should be medicalized and doses standardized, much like aspirin sold over the counter has "therapeutic benefits" and is standardized doses to avoid complications from overdose. Same with prescription only drugs that have "therapeutic benefits", only their dose and availability controlled to prevent both harm from overdose, as well as, addiction. The "therapeutic benefits" argument falls right into the category ripe for EU medicalization then.

    4. I don't think so as we already have medicalised nicotine in NRT. For specific problems, it is already being used by doctors (e.g irritable bowel syndrome). Vaping is a substitute for smoking - vaping is a SUBSTITUTE for smoking - a consumer product. In the old days doctors did suggest people smoked. People self medicate (tritrate) in either smoking or vaping - it would be very very difficult to overdose yourself. Other than smoking, vaping is the best way for me to have nicotine. I only vape because I prefer it to smoking. I loved smoking. I find eating very therapeutic. I find swimming therapeutic. I enjoy bird-watching. But we don't have medicalised food, bird-watchng or swimming! if you eat too much, you have overdosed and you vomit. If you swim to much or spend your day bird-watching, you feel exhausted which stops you. We dose ourselves regularly, in many different ways. Vaping is a substitute for smoking, Drinkers and eaters would be equally as upset if they could only buy medicalised alcohol or food - and that time is on it's way, I'm sure.

  3. I think if these millions of vapers suddenly have to go back to tobacco cigarettes they will not stand quietly. We haven't yet heard the true voice of the people on this matter and we wont until the EC get their way. I wonder what Sir Francis Jacobs would say about this as he agrees that there should be a healthier smoking alternative?

    1. Sir Francis Jacobs might see that this EU action has to be illegal surely?

  4. This would cost millions of lives. E-cig users generally have failed to give up smoking with traditional methods, but have been able to change to e-cigs. They will end up returning to smoking tobacco (me included) if e-cigs are banned.

    What is wrong with just sensible regulation - like they do with tobacco - photo ID to purchase, no advertising aimed at young people, testing of nicotine containing solutions etc.

    And ultimately, why not ban tobacco and allow e-cigarettes? It seems they want to ban them so as not to encourage smoking cigarettes - well if they ban tobacco/cigarettes which are the ones which are dangerous then this would not be a problem.

    And if we think a little outside the box then we can compare to other products - for example low fat foods - on the logic of the EU these should be banned as they may encourage people to eat high fat versions of the same foods.

    To sum up, we can smoke cigarettes, drink as much alcohol as we like - but not e-cigs. Crazy

    1. Well, yes, exactly! Only I don't think anything should be banned, and that's a point about banning low-fat making people buy high fat! Ha ha. Or banning drinking from a glass to stop children drinking alcohol! When you get into banning this, and banning that, it gets quite illogical. I think cars pollute far more than people smoking (which we have done for thousands of years) but no one bans cars. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
