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Monday, 24 September 2012

Do vapers know this?

On Sunday a Swiss plebiscite voted AGAINST a smoking ban as we have it in the UK/USA. They OVERWHELMINGLY voted AGAINST it. This is the first country, that I know of where the people/citizens have been asked about their attitude to smoking.

It doesn't matter if you are a vaper who dispises smoking because you have overcome it - or a vaper that considers themselves a smoker that vapes, this is an astonishing event! Whatever happens to smokers, will happen to us, because in the minds of Anti smokers, vaping IS smoking.

Two things come to mind that vapers should know.

The first is - if we now despise smokers (we are better because we vape) - we are in bed with our own enemy who demonises smokers and smoking and has twisted our minds to feel that.

The second is - if you have seen nothing about the "against-the-ban" vote in Switzerland in the press, it's because our enemy is not reporting any good news for smokers. This is proof that nearly everything we know about smoking has to be suspect.

I am WAITING for an article in the press, or a report in the news. Please let me know if you find one!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to know it is not all doom and gloom. I am not surprised that I have not heard anything about this before . Although we can't prove it, amazingly a lot of news does not get reported to us. The internet has helped with this, a little.
