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Friday, 21 September 2012

Knife sharpening for anti-Vapers

I sometimes network links I find to anti-tobacco research - but I can't see all the studies because you either have to pay - or join up!

Recently, I see there are tons of "papers" being published. I suppose Tobacco Control are gearing up for their big conference in November....

Here are some links I can't follow....

Menthol Cigarettes and Mortality: Keeping Focus on the Public Health Standard

AC Villanti, GA Giovino, DM Burns, DB Abrams - Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2012
... exposure among individual users are only one line of evidence in the context of the public health
mandate of considering the population level harms versus benefits of banning ... Published by Oxford
University Press on behalf of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. ...

The Relative Risk to Health From Snus and Cigarettes: Response to Grimsrud et al.'s Commentary on “Perceptions of the Relative Harmfulness of Snus Among …

I Lund, J Scheffels - Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2012
... From a harm-reduction perspective, replacing cigarettes with less harmful nicotine products can
in some instances be encouraged. ... does not also arise from smoking and that a substitution of
smokeless tobacco (ST) for cigarettes would have the following public health benefits: ...

Impact of Smoking Exposure Change on Infant Birth Weight Among a Cohort of Women in a Prenatal Smoking Cessation Study

R Benjamin-Garner, A Stotts - Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2012
... However, there is limited information on the benefits of smoking reduction ... As a primary metabolite
of nicotine, cotinine serves as a direct measure of smoking consumption and has been used
in studies assessing the impact of smoking on fetal growth restriction (Lambers & Clark ...

Converging Research Needs Across Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Articles: Making Research Relevant to Global Tobacco Control Practice and Policy

SJ Leischow, O Ayo-Yusuf, CL Backinger - Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2012
... Nicotine & Tobacco Research . (2012). Harris JK,; Provan KG,; Johnson KJ,; Leischow SJ. (2012).
Drawbacks and benefits associated with inter- organizational collaboration along the
discovery–development– delivery continuum: A cancer research network case study ...


If it's about Tobacco - its about US! 

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