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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vaping educating

The day after tomorrow is Tuesday! Simon is coming on that day to fix our central heating.

I spent the day at someone elses' house - I was warm. I was giving a presentation. The beginning was very fraught as I could not get my computer to talk to the TV. It was my fault - I clicked on the wrong display option. Trouble is, I could not correct my error -  so I moved to plan B. Vaping was a real friend to combat my stress.

I vaped openly the whole day. Two people asked what the funny "pipe" was that I was "smoking". I educated them. With a tank on a device it's very easy to do - you can show the e liquid and they can hear the "hiss" when you hit the button. And the demo inhale is pleasurable.

So that's two more people in the world who can't ever ask anyone again "What the "funny" pipe being "smoked is?" They will know.

Even if they don't remember another word I said - I hope they remember that!

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