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Friday, 29 June 2012

We ARE smokers!

This might be a touchy point for all vapers who feel holier-than-thou over those poor souls who still smoke. I know, I sometimes wonder why smokers don't vape - I feel cleaner, better, fitter and and internally delighted that I don't have to go outside and stand in the rain to have my fix. I can vape anywhere - even in taboo places - by vaping in the loo. That's an advantage over smokers. There are advantages that vapers have over smokers - but that is ALL they are, advantages and not indications we are in any way better than smokers.

I watch how smokers are persecuted. I place myself firmly against anti-smoking witch hunting. I will not do it myself - I am a smoker who vapes. What happens to smokers is very important to me, watching how the persecution is rolled out, gives us vapers foreknowledge of what might happen to us. We ARE smokers!

1 comment:

  1. While I see your point and respect what you are trying to say I would like to give a different view. "I am no longer a smoker but..." The thought process behind this is I will stand on the side of the smokers every time even if I had never touched a cigarette in my life. I don't know a single vaper that has a holier than thou attitude towards smokers. I have seen only compassion and welcome. A desire to help others have their lives saved. We as vapers escape persecution to a point but we should not be joining the fight simply because it might happen to us. We should join the fight because invasion of rights and personal freedoms is something every human should stand up for. I am NOT a smoker but I don't think smokers should be demonized and told what they can and can't do with their body. I am NOT a smoker but I used to be and I know that ALL smokers know the risk and make a conscious choice. A choice that no government be it British, American, Canadian, or Klingon has the power to make for them. /endrant :)
