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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Vaping can be a pain in the country!

Picture this - I have just said goodbye to my friends and I have my dog on a 7 metre very thin cord-like extendable lead. I am happy. My friend has just taken up vaping and we've been talking the talk. I have been showing her the AIO e-cig. I have it in my pocket, and as we wave goodbye I pop it in my mouth with my right hand because my left hand doesn't work properly due to stroke damage many years ago. So my left hand - with no fine co-ordination, is holding the steering wheel for the 7 metre very thin cord-like extendable lead.  I am drawing on my PV. It is sunny - ie not raining, which, for a start is quite remarkable here. I am happy. The dog looks happy next to my legs.

Suddenly, a chicken breaks from the bushes on the left. It runs off forward of us squawking its head off. One second surprise. Dog is sharp and loves chasing chickens. So it does. We are all propelled forward attatched  to the 7 metre very thin cord-like extendable lead which is instantlty extended to its full 7 metres.

There are loud sound. Chicken sqawking, dog barking, me yelling "leave" leave" to no avail. Suddenly, the chicken turns and runs back past me with dog behind. I have the presence of mind to trip the dog with my foot and grab the7 metre very thin cord-like extendable lead in my free right hand sustaining bad rope burns in the process.

Chicken disappears. Dog is severely admonished by me. And I retrieve my PV from the bushes.

Vaping can be a pain in the country!

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee. Reminds me of a recent walk with my father who has not yet got the hang of controlling a flexi-lead. unfortunately we were crossing a cow pasture when the dog he was in charge of decided to bolt for the hills, tripping me up in the. process. It is extraordinary how I managed to get covered in mud, cow pat and nettle stings, all at the same time.
