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Thursday, 29 August 2013

F**** you, citizens - your opinions mean zilch! That is what your Government thinks of you. They know better, and for the sake of progress you can live with it.

In Vaping the pole away which I wrote last July, I lamented that we do not really have a democracy in the UK. Well - we don't. Despite ALL the protest, the mast has been erected.  F**** you, citizens - your opinions mean zilch! That is what your Government thinks of you. They know better, and for the sake of progress you can live with it.

What do I think about ALL our efforts to get vaping as we know it to continue in a useful form that will actually get smokers off smoking rather than medicalising it? F**** you, citizens - your opinions mean zilch! That is what your Government thinks of you. They know better, and for the sake of progress you can live with it.

I am appalled at how the vaping causes cancer press reports started by The Mail  are multiplying across the world, becoming more hysterical as they travel.   (I can't find the link because my normal laptop got neuked last night by my glass of water - and this one is using Ask .com - terrible thing - don't know how it installed itself here - but its days are numbered!)

I think vaping has BIG enemies...they are spreading every negative word they can. I hope that next year this time, my blog will be praising the wisdom of the UK Government in legislating electronic cigarettes with the lightest touch - but I am not holding my breath!


  1. I really hoped you would have a firm victory over that pole, the freezing cold times spent and all the effort you and other locals put in to making it clear it was not, IS NOT wanted left the powers that be in no doubt ...yet they did exactly as they wanted, a little dig to ensure the 'little people' dont go getting ideas that there is strength in numbers and that peaceful protest works when up against the big boys of the corporate world.

    Pharma pharma pharma is the enemy of vaping, big bucks and the desire for a slice of what ever pie they possibly can get...again more big boys seeking to take undue profits and keep us in line.

    1. Well, some things make you realise there might be no hope. This pole is not important for anyone except us. Vaping is not important to anyone except vapers. Thanks for your comment and sympathy for our downfall- we put everything in and got nothing out. Sadly, they have also erected this damn thing RIGHT IN FRONT of peoples' houses in the very place they begged them not to, instead of behind their own building where part of it would be hidden. It really is an act of revenge - we delayed their plans for 5 years! What is going to happen to us few vapers protesting medicalisation?

  2. We live in a corporate plutocracy. What was left of UK democracy died in the 80's.

    Sadly, vaping is yet another indicator.

    But then... we have Big Brother!! Yeehaw!

    1. Ha ha. I tried to look up corporate plutocracy on this ghastly "Ask" - it never comes up with anythng useful. But I take it to mean Corporate Fat Cats - of course the Government is simply a Corporation within which other corporations - like the police - function.
