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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Genesis sent me a V4 Vivi Nova mini tank.

Genesis sent me a V4 Vivi Nova mini tank.


  1. Liz,

    Don't you think your review was a bit on the generous side given the airiness of the vape sans sticky tape and the issues with the fittings?

    Love your videos and I think you're the best.


    1. Hi Clare,

      Yes - true - but with sticky tape in place and when connected! it's a good tank despite all that. Have to be honest.

  2. Hi Liz, I don´t want to spam your blog - but how do we get in touch with you? We would love it if you would support our letter writing campaign - . We are going to take the letter and the thousands of signatures to Brussels on the 3rd September, to hand it over along with Clive Bates, Gerry Stimson and the SWOF team - would you lend your support and help us get as many signatures as possible?
    Thanks in advance,

    The Saveecigs Team. : )

    1. Yes - thought I had done it myself - very important. But I don't recognise the webpage so I might not have - I have signed so MANY things and written to so many MEP's I'm flagging!

      I don't know how much influence I have - but I'll pull finger off my mod and write or tweet, facebook and google+. Thanks for your comment - not spamming at all!

    2. I signed!

      Have YOU signed? Click on your
