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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Jewel of the NHS says e-cigs are another way of smoking and nicotine is "deadly" - the seeds of vegeance.

The Jewel in the NHS Crown is having a problem because less people are going in for stop smoking NRT from them. The reason they blame is e-cigs. E Cigs are another way of smoking - mmm - fancy. And people are inhaling the deadly poison nicotine!  I am astonished The Jewel is so ignorant. As a spokesman for the NHS, I hope someone in the NHS will bring them up to speed.

The whole problem of e cigs is that they ARE a different way of smoking. Vapers who dissociate themselves from this fact by trashing smokers and smoking are really playing with fire I think. Those who point out that, yes, vaping is the smoking of the future, but safer, are on more stable ground. The enemy to them is the same Tobacco Control Industry that has persecuted smokers. Remembering not to believe the fudged figures, the social brainwashing, and the lies and denormalisation pograms in the war against smokers by The Tobacco Control Industry, and also not to repeat them, makes the right attitude to fight the same enemy which is now ours too.

The nub of the problem is not that smoking is horrid - or even kills, or vaping is just smoking (and now causes cancer). The nub of the problem is the methods used by the anti smokers' lobbies that have caused Government intrusions into people's lives through legislation. Some of these - like no smoking in parks or train stations, or banning vaping outdoors - are frankly ridiculous and are about vengeance rather than health.

Vengeance is an ugly thing. Vapers, like me, are smokers who vape. The vengeance against smokers has been a hurtful thing which I have taken personally. It is vengeance against me.

If you think like a smoker and not be a part of the anti-smoking vengeance mob, which some vapers are, you have a better chance of defending yourself against the persecutors because you can see the lies and smudges in the pogram more clearly. Otherwise, you too, have just been taken in.

I believe the corruption needs to be exposed in the anti-smoking movement. People need to know they have been duped. If that does not happen, that movement will become an anti vaping movement too.


  1. In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. etc.

    1. Thank you for that nice link - I am pasting it here in case the link does not work.

      "In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

      -- by Martin Niemöller, prominent German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, best known as the author of the poem First they came...

  2. ::waving:: Hi Liz! Jan just pointed me over here. Excellent article!

    The vaping community was heavily antismoking two or three years ago, but Niemuller has bitten a lot of vapers where it hurts and they've realized the need to ally with those of a more general Free Choice persuasion. Idiocies like this NHS spokesperson's comments are the same whether applied to second/third/fourth-hand smoke or to vaping. Vaping *LOOKS* like smoking, therefore it is "Of The Devil."


    Craziness. I made the comment elsewhere that the Antismokers would be a lot better off if they fired all their incompetent personnel. The only problem is that they'd have no one left.


    1. It would be better to have no anti smokers around at all! Who is Niemuller?

  3. Niemuller is my misspelling of Niemoller (sorry... I have NO idea how to do an alt-umlat o here!)

    I'd agree with your comment on the Antis of course!


    1. Oh thanks. I wonder if we will ever realise how societal thinking is "manufactured"? The whole way it is done to us is scary to me.

  4. Liz, read Lie #2 at

    - MJM
