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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Nicotine, nicotine, nicotine. everyone has been brainwashed!

 I just oured a glass of water over my keyboard. Some keys do not work, forgive the layot!
Why is it that nicotine is always blamed for increased heart rate and not the four thousand other chemicals in cigarettes? My ecig seems to not affect my heart rate at all. I tested it. 
Here is the latest on  Nicotine and Heart rate , not Smoking tobacco and heart rate.......

I can see the difference  why can't they? Does NRT make for heart trashing?

The debate over nicotine products as aids to smok
ing cession is complicated with the recent rise in elec
tronic cigarettes and their potential to deliver high
doses of nicotine, thereby perpetuating a nicotine ad
dition, albeit using a less toxic delivery system. There
is urgent need for research and possibly regulation
of these products if they are found to deliver harm
ful levels of nicotine. Although the evidence currently
suggests that up to half of the nicotine content may be
exhaled in the vapour, there are also suggestions that
nicotine replacement products such as e-cigarettes
simply promote a slower absorption of nicotine.
In terms of the limitations of this review, the evi
dence contained herewith needs to be considered
within the context of methodological shortcomings,
such as the difficulties of comparing different nico
tine delivery systems, and the paucity of data on new
er nicotine products, such as electronic cigarettes.
Smoking cessation is fundamental to cardiovascular
disease prevention, and it is associated with a signifi
cant reduction in risk of all-cause mortality in those
with coronary heart disease. Inflammatory markers,
which can indicate atherosclerotic disease, have been
shown to return to baseline levels five years after
quitting, suggesting that the inflammatory compo
nent of cardiovascular disease resulting from smok
ing is reversible with reduced tobacco exposure and
smoking cessation [45]. With a greater understanding
of the chronic impact of nicotine use on chronic rest
ing heart rate, it is hoped that clinicians will take a
long-term view and redouble their efforts to encour
age and support abstinence from all forms of excess
nicotine consumption  <my bold>

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