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Saturday, 1 December 2012

Frozen solid

Everyone in our family is not well, recovering from or succumbing to a nasty bug. My daughter and her husband are sick - so we are babysitting their two-year-old.

It's been a lovely sunny day with icicles sparkling in the trees and on the grass - very pretty, so we took her and Bobby-the-dog and Oscar-the-cat for a walk. What a MISSION! The parking lot outside our front door is a solid sheet of black ice. So we went through our icicle sparkling garden to our gate. Husband had to grit the steps before we could get out of it. Then we managed to slither down the street to the park. I'm really frightened of falling. And I'm really frightened of falling with a baby more. She was on her reins - but even so she had a slithery fall. Once we got to the crispy crunchy grass it was all fun. Bobby-the-dog chased sticks and Oscar-the-cat chased Bobby and the baby chased them both. It was worth it.
 Now we are home and the central heating is not working as I mentioned in my "The cringeworthyness of being cold" post. 

The baby is having her after lunch snooze, the dog and cat are kipping on the sofa, and I am writing this feeling frozen solid. I'm going to have to light our expensive gas fire.

There is no solution except a hot drink and a comforting vape!

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