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Thursday, 6 December 2012

You can't stop us now - uh uh - no way.

I have just given myself my Thursday morning treat by watching Vapour Trails TV

The discussion on the WHO possibly only "allowing" pre-filled cartomisers and look alikees made my blood freeze and my anger boil.

Some months ago, I invested in a mechanical mod with a lifetime guarantee so that I would not have to rely on batteries other than those that would not be banned, or rely on the bells and whistles of vaping electronics that can go wrong, or let me down, or need replacing.

But I like tanks and dripping. No pre-filled cartos would do!  But freezing my nic base is a most fantastic idea and that is what I will do. I'm old - so I could have enough to last till I die! I'm the lucky one. As for flavourings - the WHO can't ban food flavourings. Nor could they ban Glycerine. If my nic base was PG - my mix would still be ok.

I think the future of vaping for hobbiest vapers will still be bright! We would find ways and means to do what we want - even if it was getting our nicotine from tomato leaves?!

You can't stop us now - uh uh - no way.


  1. I've been stocking up on cartos, nic, and atties for months now. Nothing but mods, mechanical or vv that use batteries you should be able to buy at any time.

    Why take the risk of not doing so?

    Like you I'm up there in years but if I go with stuff unused someone will benefit from that too.

  2. I've just watched VTTV as well and I think I will have to start stocking up my favourite coffee e-liquid and freezing it. Maybe I can bulk buy it direct from the Chinese manufacturers as well.

    You're right Liz - they can't stop us, we will still find a way :)
